The difference between a flat BMX bike and other freestyle BMX bikes is that it has shorter, usually crossed or curved (or both) top and down tubes, a shorter rear frame and bars, and four “hooks” that are the extensions of its signature wheel and axle. In recent years, there has been a trend toward slimming down, for example. B. By using the shortest possible lead-free forks, short cranks, extremely small sprockets and narrower chains. It is common to use handlebars without “sweeps” and anatomically correct bends, as this allows better control of the bike. The new variation of handlebars is the so-called “handlebar / handlebar combination” (handlebar / handlebar combination), where the handlebars have been welded to the handlebars. “Freecoaster” is a special type of rear hub that is essential to the rear wheel pattern. It allows the rear wheel to rotate backwards without transmitting the movement to the crank via the chain.