Ein unvergesslicher Abend im Glanz von Cannes! Unsere private Veranstaltung war ein wahres Highlight, das mit dem Strahlen der Sterne um die Wette glänzte. Mit Stolz und Begeisterung dürfen wir verkünden, dass wir einen ganz besonderen Gast in unserer Mitte hatten: Johnny Logan.
Johnny Logan – a living legend of music history and the only artist to have won the Eurovision Song Contest three times. His success speaks for itself: in 1980 he won the hearts of Europe as a singer, followed by another victory in 1992, this time as composer and singer of his own song. But that was not all, because in the same year he won again as a composer, this time together with the enchanting Linda Martin.
The atmosphere that evening was electrifying when Johnny Logan took to the stage. His charismatic charisma and unmistakable talent filled the room with an aura of awe and admiration. It was a privilege to witness him perform his timeless hits and captivate the audience.
But this evening was not just a celebration of music, it was also a celebration of life and art. Surrounded by the majestic beauty of Cannes and surrounded by friends and like-minded people, every moment was an unforgettable experience.
We are grateful and filled with joy that we were able to host this unique event in Cannes and that Johnny Logan honored us with his presence. May the memories of this magical evening live on in our hearts for a long time to come and make us smile again and again. Until next time, when we will once again light up the stars over Cannes together!